【2021 Hockey 5’s 再見】
原本今日係2020 Hockey 5’s嘅首日賽事,但好可惜今年同唔到大家見面,不過大家嘅努力係唔會白費架,因為我地嘅團隊已經開始咗2021 Hockey 5’s嘅籌備工作,約定大家明年Hockey 5’s 再見! 祝願大家身體健康!
【See you in 2021 Hockey 5’s】 Although 2020 Hockey 5’s is not able to go ahead, but your hard work is not in vain. Our team remain committed to 2021 Hockey 5’s and look forward to welcoming you in 2021 Hockey 5’s. Stay health and stay tuned!
#HongKong #MegaBox #MegaBoxHK #MegaIceHK #MIHockey5s #Hockey5s #IceHockey #Tournament #mi5 #2021Hockey5s #五人冰球賽 #冰球 #香港冰球
資料及相片來源 : MIHockey5s / MegaIceHK